Nothing is Changeless
“Seasons Change…. But God is Changeless.” Really?!?
“Seasons Change…. But God is Changeless.” Really?!?
“There is One Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature.” And there are no Gaian teachers.
An exploration of Who Gaia is and How we should refer to Gi.
Is there wisdom that could be gleaned from a new ecocentric version of The Book of Job?
Lessons from Lazarus on communicating about hell—and the looming climate crisis.
Unlike the western concept of God, Gaia is not all-knowing, all-powerful, or all good. Instead Gaia is limited in power, in sentience, and is abenevolent. In other words, unlike God, Gaia is vulnerable. And we are in direct relationship with Her. How does that shape this philosophy? And our understanding of suffering?
How does Gaia’s Wrath compare to God’s? Less predictable? More knowable? And how shall we respond?
Is Gaia a living being? And is the wager of answering wrongly worth it?
Is it Gaia or God we should feel in awe of when we hear a roaring waterfall or see lightning flash across the sky?